The project unfolds a set of interventions aiming to overhaul one of Turda's main public transport stations, known as Materna, as well as its corresponding public space: the station's extended pedestrian area. The goal of these interventions is to transform the urban area, as found, into an attractive and dynamic public space all while attempting to reduce CO2 emissions.
Located to the East, in one of Turda's main, albeit socially challenged, neighborhoods - Oprisani, the station and its extended pedestrian area draws its name form the adjacent 1980s commercial complex. The direct relation with the above-mentioned venue makes for a very dynamic and commercially active urban area, a feature to be reinforced through the project.
The set of interventions are structured in three main steps:
[1] Rethinking the bus station and parking facilities on the northern front of the site in order to increase the pedestrian area and, consequently, streamline the pedestrian traffic and accessibility of the public transport station. Each of the two facilities is equipped with charging stations for electrical vehicles according to the city guidelines for a 21st century urban transportation system.
[2] Increasing the quality of the pedestrian area and related green areas by rethinking the layout, replacing the existing cement based pavement with a natural stone one, adding trees to the green spaces, implementing new urban furniture and a set of retail kiosks meant to double down on the commercial character of the area, removing all existing fixtures and implementing new ticket sale points and machines, information systems, video surveillance systems, improved pedestrian signage and road safety systems, facilities for people with disabilities and so on.
[3] A new extended bus shelter structure comes to unite under its roof all the above mentioned interventions. The structure, inspired by architectural elements of the adjacent commercial complex, is formed by a zig-zagging canopy, spanning a little over 140m in length and 6m in width, rests on only 10 columns. Its purpose is to protect the bus station as well as part of the pedestrian area form the elements and to contribute to the safety of the neighborhood, through its video surveillance systems, as well as through its lighting concept.
Design Team: Paul-Mihai Moldovan, Anamaria Moldovan, Eszter Szoke, Gloria Gagu, Adrian Ovidiu Bucin
Collaborator[s]: Gordias, CSP Proiect Line, D&B Proiectare
Design Year: 2017
Status: Concept Design
Execution | Completion Year: -
Location: Turda, Romania
Gross area: 3967,72 sqm
Text: ateliercetrei
Photographer[s]: ateliercetrei