The wedding ring[s] design reflects our understanding of marriage... a mechanism that works fueled not only by love but also by the bitter-sweet compromises. It is a ‘whole’ created by the union of two people and the only instance in which 1+1 does amount to 1.
Therefore we designed the wedding ring[s] as a ‘symbolon’ (from Greek symbállein – to put together), a means of recognizing and completing each other. The ring is cut in half and only the two halves fitted together can deliver the true meaning of a life to be lived alongside each other. Together they form a single ring, apart they constantly remind each bearer about the other half.
We commissioned photographer Ana Rusu to depict the ring and its two halves one year after their creation. The photos illustrate the passing of time in the form of the scratches left on the ring[s] by constant use.
Design Team: Anamaria Moldovan, Paul-Mihai Moldovan
Design Year: 2010
Status: Completed
Material[s]: White 18k Gold
Technique[s]: CNC and hand polishing
Manufacturer: s.c. Sabion Elen s.r.l.
Text: ateliercetrei
Photographer[s]: Ana Rusu