The project unfolds the desire of a young urban professional family to build a home in Gheorghieni, one of the many villages surrounding Cluj-Napoca. The later a bustling university city, the former a small village hidden behind a beautiful forest on a north-oriented slope with a very strong identitary architectural repertoire.
Efforts were thus directed at questioning the brief - building a home much like in a city suburb - in order to acknowledge the said architectural repertoire and produce a building that engages its context in its entirety from scaling it down through breaking it in volumes containing specific functional compartments to creating relationships between the volumes, their scale, their materiality, the spaces they generate, the way they are oriented to and from the sun and so on.
Design Team: Paul-Mihai Moldovan, Anamaria Moldovan, Adrian-Ioan Urda, Victor-Ioan Stefan
Collaborators: Inginerie Creativa, CSP Proiect Line
Design Year: 2018-2020
Status: Under Construction
Execution | Completion year: 2022
Location: Gheorgheni, Cluj County, Romania
Gross area: 239 sqm
General Contractor: TBD
Text: ateliercetrei
Photographer[s]: -